At this time we do not have memberships available for the following breeds: American Bulldog, American Staffordshire, American Pit Bull, Belgian Malinois, German Shepherd, Staffordshire Pit Bull. Assessments will not be scheduled for dogs that fall in this breed category. We only fill a specific number of dogs per breed category and at this time we are full for these breeds. This allows our daycare to be a variety of different breeds with different play styles so that all dogs are able to play.
Boarding for Members:
You must be an approved member to schedule boarding reservations. Membership is obtained by having your dog pass their daycare assessment during their first day of daycare for daycare services and passing the overnight assessment for boarding services. Even if you do not plan to use daycare, dogs must be able to be around other dogs in order to board. Dogs are required to attend daycare and/or boarding at least once every four months to maintain membership. There is no membership fee.

Daycare Available Monday through Friday
Boarding Drop Off/Pick Up Available Daily
Flat rates with no hidden charges
Pay as little as $31 with our Pre-Paid Passes
Staff on site 24/7 - trainers in daycare at all times
Daily potty walks outside
What our pack members say about us:
"To say that we love the Backyard Pack is an understatement! Brian and Laurie have been nothing but helpful in the two years that our dogs have been members of the Pack."
"The best doggie daycare ever!!! I am so happy that we found TBYP! We have been taking our dog Roxy there for over a year now. She get's so excited when she knows she is going to day care and truely loves Brian and Laurie. "
"My dog has gained a lot of confidence around other dogs after daycare at the backyard pack. I always feel like the staff cares about her and is invested in the well being of all of the "kiddos". We love it!"
"We've always had difficulty finding a good dog walker we could trust or a doggie daycare that our dog was happy at, but all of our prayers have been answered with the Backyard Pack. Our dog loves going to daycare, and when he comes home he is so well mannered. "